Sunday, April 4, 2010

sweet discoveries ahead

After a crazy-busy, bunny & candy centric day, the kids are finally in bed & I have time to catch my breath. Whew!

I have so much swirling around in my head. The horizon is filled with many amazing events & discoveries. The 40th anniversary of Earth day is April 22. I'll keep you posted on my earth day project, once I think of it!!. I'm hoping to get my family of four involved. Cross your fingers. The more the merrier though, if you catch my drift.

Collingswood Farmer's Market opens May 1st and that hip, little enclave is hosting it's second annual Green Festival. This sounds right up my alley! There are going to be recycling bins for everything from sneakers to rechargeable & button batteries. Seminars on composting (residents can get a discounted bin), rain barrels (again with the discount) & all sorts of cool, "green" stuff. They are also rolling out a new Bike Share program. Get it rolling out. I crack myself up, at least. And, if that wasn't enough, Collingswood is the first town in Camden County to offer recycling on #3-7 plastics. Just so darn cool. I gotta talk to those folks, get some ideas & see if I can create a greener shade of life in Happyfield. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, right?

After mother's day, I get to put in all my little vegetables. They have already come a long way (excluding the unfortunate root vegetable incident, sorry guys) and my laundry room is starting to get very crowded! It's so hard to be patient. I'm dreaming of beautiful heirloom tomatoes!

So much research to do. Like watching Food Inc. an academy award nominated documentary that reveals shocking truths about what we eat & how it's produced. I heard through the grapevine PBS will air it sometime in April. Still trying to find out a time & date so I can set my dvr. It will be right next to Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution.

Product testing for waterweek. My son is the actual tester. I figure if it meets his approval maybe your kids might like it too. We'll let you know. Books & websites to read. Okay, I've got to go get this started but first just a few jellybeans.


  1. when is the collingswood green fest? post details please!

  2. April 24. 10-2pm. I have it on my calendar. Check out collingswood's website for their green connections page as well. Very cool!
