Well, if you ask me foe! The current state of my garden is a bit sad. With the warm weather & lettuce bolting. But the worst of it... I lost 4 plants to a little covert operator. He started out so tiny, it seemed impossible for the polka dot holes all over my broccoli & brussel sprout plants to have been created by him. But he had family stop by for the feast! I picked about 4 isty-bitsy green caterpillars off & carefully brushed all the little black dots, which I had learned from one of my garden gurus were eggs, yuck! Not pleasant business, I tell ya. But necessary for the survival of my brassica oleracea (ha, I looked it up!) plants. And I was done with that or so I thought.
Still more holes appeared & more black specks so my hunting expedition continued. I had to pull plants for fear of widespread damage. And when I thought all were vacated into the vegetative waste barrel, a rogue was spotted. He tried to make his escape by rolling down into the soil but I wasn't having it!! My fingers were poised for proper squashing when a reprieve came.
My sweet William felt such reverence for the fat-off-my-garden caterpillar he created quite a bug oasis in a not so old sidewalk chalk container. The container was quite new actually, but had been upended in haste on our basement floor to accommodate the leaf munching maven. It was a Greenpeace moment in my very backyard. I apparently played the part of big corporation, that's irony for ya.
Not sure the life expectancy of these invasive pests but our little buddy hung around in captivity for a few days until Will decided to set him free. I told him he could only be released far away from my little cultivated plot. Will & his shadow of a sister made their way to the end of the block to accommodate my wishes. I worried about someone else's broccoli but needlessly. Poor guy was already dead for his march :( Will saved this information only for me, as he knew his sister would have been truly upset. Like I said sweet.
wow. am going to cry over the beautiful choice your son made not to tell your daughter about the dead caterpillar. someone is doing something right in your house vis a vis raising your children! love ite!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jane! I wish I could claim more influence but I think we all have a lot of our personality (big or small) with us at birth. My kids teach me something new every day. I hope I am helping them on their journey as much as they help me.