Thursday, May 13, 2010

stop the mail chatter

A friend & I were talking about the whole excess catalog issue today (other topics were discussed. But what happens at the coffee shop, stays at the coffee shop!) Not only am I drawn to spend more money when these glossy marketing mavins grace my mailbox but the recycle bin becomes too heavy to get to the curb. Yes, I have not been to the gym lately but come on.

You may remember my inital efforts to stop the multiple catalog madness. And now all but a trickle of catalogs remain in the post. For full discolure though, I admit to have a stash of the old ones in case of emergency. And frankly, with the internet, they haven't really been missed.

Currently I am working on expelling the last of the tenacious little buggers. Feel free to join me in a little precycling by visiting the above sites. (if I did the whole techno-link thingy right)

1 comment:

  1. It didn't work! Here are two more sites to check out.
