Today was one of those days. A lot going on. We've all had 'em right? For me there was a reoccurring theme though, besides whiny kids. Green. I am not kidding. Around every corner. I know what you are thinking, of course she's seeing green, duh. Like when you pick a new paint color for a room and suddenly all you see is that fabulous color everywhere. been there.
But seriously, I picked up a copy of Parenting magazine in my son's dentist office today & it was filled with recycled art projects. Some were very cute indeed-check out the butterflies made from egg cartons. Then I moved onto Philly mag for April. Grown up projects like shopping at Urban Jungle or reading the column on "Eco-friend or Eco-faux" (I actually chuckled, it's a good thing SpongeBob was on!) or having a beer at Yard's new tasting room (eco-friendly & refreshing) or reading about philly being the epicenter of a health food revolution-yup, I said philly.
Then back at home folding laundry & mindlessly listening to the TV, I was told to tune in at 11 to find out which water filtration systems had made the cut in their special report.
More importantly, though, was the symbolic green. My son, Will, saw me put some food scraps in our kitchen composter & he started digging in his backpack. He remembered the orange peels in his lunchbox & offered them up to help the cause. Cool, right? Or my conversation with Tom about CFL light bulbs at his golf club, again pretty cool. Or transplanting more of my seedlings into recycled coffee cups. All cool.
The best part of the day (not quiet though, remember whiny kids) was sitting outside for dinner & noticing how incredibly green one of our trees had become overnight. I am enjoying all the "greening up", hope you are too.
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I positively love that will brought home his orange peels...that next generation will be the ones to take it to a whole new level.
ReplyDeleteI know, right? He is also doing worm composting in science & needed worm food. I love when it all comes together. Thanks for the comment!