Not sure how it goes in your house, but in mine, I am the light patrol. I knew this position existed but thought my step-father still held the title. What's the saying? With age comes wisdom. Or bills & responsibility, anyway. So now with my crown & scepter(and responsibility), I roam far & wide (to the third floor, at least) extinguishing lights. Sometimes, tv's, ipods & radios as well.
Through my cyber research I have been bombarded with numbers but here's one about lights. Compact flourescent light bulbs can save you on average $30 over the lifetime of the bulb, just one bulb! Pretty impressive, no? They also last 8-12 times longer than incandescent bulbs. I don't know about you but if I wasn't replacing a light bulb every time I turned around, I'd have more time to _______(fill in the blank). Right? Wouldn't you? Also, if you consider your household average, you probably have about 45 lightbulds in your home (I have 57, oops). Replace them all with "green" light bulbs & you could save yourself $180 a year.
So they save time, energy & money. Kinda easy. Now if I could just get everyone to turn 'em off when they leave a room. Not so easy.
Go to CBSNEWS.com to a story on "Green" light bulb buying guide. It'll help you get started, if you are feeling it.
CFL bulbs have small amounts of mercury in them, so please take care when recycling. Local Home Depot stores will take them back.