Standing outside with my nose pressed against the window, I really wanted to enter what looked to my "green" dabbling eyes as the promise land.
A little back story...my dear friend & fellow nyc-ophile, Chris & I had been all over lower manhattan for the better part of the day. We had discovered ricotta & prosciutto balls (2 for a dollar & beyond heavenly!) in little italy and stumbled into chinatown for the last stirrings of the chinese new years (WOW!). And as our last mission of the day, we were headed up bowery in search of a single restaurant supply place open on sunday so I could purchase a pan I had been dreaming about. The shop was only open for 15 minutes & I froze...so many choices of unfulfilled culinary dreams...
Ok, ok before I lose you. The aforementioned land of plenty was The GreenDepot . And it was calling my name but I realized we'd have to wait to rendezvous at another time, the store & I that is. For my fellow traveler & I needed to prop up our feet & have a nice cocktail. Which we did. And that's another story for another time but back to The GreenDepot.
I have not been back but have visited online @ www.greendepot.com . And all I can say is wow. This 3,200 sq foot eco-superstore sells all things organic, recycled & sustainable. One reviewer likened the building & goods to a "green minded Ikea". Probably minus the swedish meatballs?! The website touts services to help serious green machines with overall projects. Adrian Grenier (aka Vinnie Chase of HBO's Entourage) sourced a contractor & green materials, including recycled denim insulation for his Brooklyn townhouse (now if they'd source the delivery address, we'd really be in business!). But I believe even the newbie-greenie would be just as at home choosing from products like chemical free cleaning supplies, LED light bulbs & the ubiquitous reusable water bottle of this worthy movement.
I am on a mission to get to the little sister store On New State Road in Philadelphia. Any co-pilots?
beware the "store" on state street is just a showroom. Still cool but kept under lock & key.