Have you seen this magazine? If you want to get your green groove on, grab a copy & savor with a nice cup of joe. I pick my copy up at the Grind house in haddonfield but you could also visit them at www.gridphilly.com to view a digital edition.
This month's edition was the catalyst for sowing my garden seeds inside. I mean look at that cover, how can you not??
And the inside is even better. Lots of intelligently written articles about, well, everything green. From breaking news like philly peco's cap ( hold onto your hats philadelphian's your electric bill may increase 29.7 percent on average.) to recycling projects ( wanna know what to do with old chinese take out containers?) and even recipes (rhubarb, yum)
Another benefit of these inspired pages is the advertisements...all green.
The clever, green hipsters at Grid have also started a blog (hey, everybody's doing it). The GRIDDLE is a self described "short stack of news & notes from the Grid".
It is a more up to the minute place to go for all things sustainable.
Happy clicking!
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