sustain...to support, hold up, endure without yielding, provide food, drink or other necessities of life, provide funds or aid or approval. Such a powerful word with so many meanings. And if you caught the New York Times week in review today, they worked 'em all in. Covering topics you would normally think of in relation to the eco-movement, like turning our diets away from the 99 cent burger to Asian Carp or kudzu (both invasive pests). They also spoke of eating invasive weeds...look out micro greens. Or the two year consumption cycle of virtually all our electronics, mostly phones but also cameras & GPS units. The reporters also covered cash & budgets, as well as happy marriages. And I have vacillated all day between being charmed to annoyed. I always enjoy a chance to learn something new about this path I am wandering down. The annoyed part could be my aversion to talk about budgets or diets. But I think in a way I was looking forward to really delving into one of my favorite topics & felt the sustainability headline a bit misleading.
In the end, I will leave it up to you. Charmed or annoyed?
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