Good morning on the eve of a new year! Wasn't sure how my family & I were going to mark the occasion. We have several great options, including a First Night celebration in our quaint little town. Or invites to hang with friends. But as I settled in at the breakfast table eating a fabulous omelet my husband made, an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer caught my eye. The gist of the story was to use your dried out Christmas tree to feed the birds. Not the actual tree, mind you. This is where those little people running around your house complaining, "I'm bored!" come in. I promise not to get sidetracked with all the toys they could be playing with or the thank you notes which aren't going to write themselves. Round 'em up the best you can, including any stragglers hiding in front of Wii & start 'em stringing cheerios, cranberries & peanuts in the shell. If you are feeling especially ambitious, pine cones can be dipped in melted suet & rolled in black oil sunflower seeds.
Off I go to gather my supplies & rally my troops. Wish me luck on re-trimming our tree!
If you are feeling moved to action as well, here's a link to the article....
What a great idea - especially for the kids. Something fun to do, and helping the birds, too!