Whew! Just when I should have been posting more pictures of beautiful produce & waxing poetic about all my "green" advances, I got outta dodge. Plenty of fun, vacation photos & silly memories but my garden was a little disappointed with my behavior & acted out. Green & wax beans took over the joint. As did some seriously, mammoth, white marigolds. This left my one, lonely eggplant woefully sun-deprived. One, measly eggplant does not a baba ganoush make. And don't even get me started on the biggest trouble maker of the bunch...my tomatoes. In the end, I planted 5 different varieties. My Rampapo gave me a handful of early summer beauties. Now, however, it mocks me with a few pieces of green fruit. Last summer I threw some pots on the patio with tomatoes & we couldn't eat them fast enough. So, did my absenteeism cause this revolt or the relentless, sweltering heat? To ease my troubled mind, I am choosing the latter.
In the meantime, I have plans. There are the "BIG PLANS", prohibited by time, energy & a baseball diamond in my backyard. These are the stuff of my daydreams. Greenhouses, brambles, garden paths...all set for a fluid time in the future. And then, the little plans. Step by step, lesson by lesson. Planning for the height of each plant a bit better. Moving a sprinkler a hair to the right. More carrots (they were absolutely fabulous!).
One thing is for certain, I will not give up that easily.